
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

There has to be a better way!!

...To track all the *AWESOME* comments on my blog. 

I'm still really new to blogging so I'm just going to throw out a big S.O.S. into the blogosphere and hope that someone can help me! 

What is the best/easiest/quickest way to see my *NEW* comments? 

Right now I am going to the 'Edit Post' page in Blogger and scrolling down the list of all my posts trying to remember if the post on how to make a Monogrammed Wine Cork Wall Hanging had 36 comments yesterday or 35?

  If there are new comments (or if I think there are because I can't keep track of 20+ posts in my head anymore) I click on the link to the comments and scroll to the bottom to see if I recognize the last one on there. 

And if I have linked up to a Meme for a certain project it gets even harder to keep track of the new comments.  I'll get a dozen in one day, but I'll have to reply directly from my posts' comment stream...not fun!

I love all the comments and I want them to keep coming, but I know I'm slacking on replying to them all because I have no idea what's new and what's old. 

So if anyone is out there reading this and laughing at my ignorance please throw me a line and share your infinite wisdom!



  1. i just get mine emailed to me, and if the person has an email linked, you can reply directly to the email comment!

  2. I do the same with comments emailed to me!

  3. If you set it up to have to moderate your comments you will get all of them :)

  4. I get them emailed also (my 3 comments I get a month LOL). I'm fairly new to blogging still but the comment above about modering them would be very handy since you will have to approve each comment before it shows. Good luck!

  5. I have mine emailed to me. I actually set up an email account specifically for my blog. It took me a little while to realize however that I was responding to "no reply comment blogger" emails which just go into the abyss. So I pay closer attention to whether there's an actual email address for me to respond to. For the NRCB comments...I try to go to their blogs to acknowledge.

    BTW...stopping in from New Friend Friday and now following. Come visit if you get the chance :)

  6. Hi! I'm your newest follower from FF - love your blog! Hope to see you at Dropped Stitches!

    xo Erin

  7. Have a great holiday weekend, I am a new follower! Hope you find a good answer for you!!

  8. In the settings tab, click on the comments page. Scroll to the bottom where it says "comment notification email." Enter an email address where you'd like a copy of all your comments to be sent.

  9. I definitely think e-mail is a good way to go, but the comment moderation is a good idea too. Personally I just do e-mails, I'd rather be able to check & see them from my phone, etc.

    My Crafty Crap

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