
Sewing Machine Pin Cushion

I have had this idea rolling around in my head for quite some time and I finally found the time to make it.

I want to show you how to make a super easy pin cushion that attaches right to your sewing machine.

If you are like me, you always pin your fabric before sewing to make sure it won't slip or bunch as you sew.  Well, I never had a convenient place to put a pin cushion so I could quickly remove the pins right before the needle went over them.  I was always fiddling with the magnet 'pin cushions' and trying to get them as close to the machine as possible so I could quickly drop the pins and not loose my spot sewing. 

So here is my solution...a quick tutorial on how to make a pin cushion to fit your machine that will tie right onto the arm of the machine and keep your pins close at hand.

Supplies you'll need:
-scrap pieces of fabric
-matching ribbon

You'll have to choose the shape for your pin cushion based on your sewing machine.  I utilized the long flat section under the reverse button on my machine to place my pin cushion, so I cut two pieces of scrap fabric to fit that shape. 

Then I measured around the arm of the machine where the pin cushion would be tied, and cut two pieces of 1/4" wide satin ribbon to a total of 1.5 times the circumference of the arm.  This will allow you ample room to tie the pin cushion on to the machine.

Once you have your fabric and ribbon cut, pin the fabric right sides together, adding the ribbon to the seams.  You'll want to sew about 90% of the outer seam (including over both ribbons), leaving the last inch or so open to stuff with stuffing.  It's really like making a throw pillow, but a miniature version with two ribbons sticking out.

Next, you'll turn the pin cushion right side out and use your scissors to push out the corners (if you have a square shape).

Add the stuffing through the opening and fill it up as much as you can.  Don't worry about putting too much stuffing in it...you can't go wrong with really stuffing it full.

Finally, some quick hand sewing to close the seam and you're all set.  

In a few minutes you have a great accessory for your sewing machine that should make sewing that much easier.

I have since found out that I can also change the way my pin cushion sits and line it up on the inside of the arm.  This will probably be useful if I do any really intricate sewing and need to have the pins right next to my hand.

Here is a view of the back of the machine where the pin cushion is tied...you can see how you might have to account for the power cord and on/off switch when you choose your pin cushion placement.

I hope you enjoy this project and can find the time to make your own sewing machine pin cushion!
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